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  • Writer's pictureCandace

Why I Believe No One Can Live a Zero Waste Lifestyle

The zero-waste movement has truly gained popularity among people within the past couple of years and it looks like it will continue to reach more people as time goes on. With many gurus and influencers going into great detail about how they stopped using plastic and other materials that are damaging to the earth and how it has changed their lives, it can actually seem overwhelming to someone that wants to start but honestly doesn't know where to start. In this post, I will be going over how I think the term zero-waste can actually be discouraging to beginners and why I prefer to use terms like low-waste and low-impact. These are all just my opinion and I hope that this blog post will inspire people to see this movement from a different perspective.

Expectations Are Set Too High

The term zero-waste literally means to make absolutely no waste. To me, that is just impossible. When people use these terms, it can come off as everything needs to be perfect to succeed, and even if you produce the smallest amount of waste, you have failed. We create waste from everything from water usage, CO2 emissions, even on the packaging of zero waste items. Beginners feel like they have to go out and buy all these things to reduce their waste but the ironic twist is that they create more waste from items that they probably would not need in the first place.

Creates Division

This can potentially drive away people that want to start on this journey because of a lack of access to these resources. What many influencers do, that I have noticed, is they will just talk about how this lifestyle has changed their lives and how it works for them now. What really annoys me about that is, yes, I am so happy that this system is working for you, but could you explain the trial and errors, the hardships, and some sacrifices you had to make? I just feel that when beginners see these fancy stores and markets being showcased it can discourage someone just starting out if they don't have access to these resources and places. I wish more people gave alternative tips on how to shop sustainably. Fortunately, I have been seeing it more on YouTube and Instagram.

Low Waste/Low Impact

I prefer to use the terms low waste or low impact because like I said previously, we all create waste. I believe it is up to us to find ways that fit into our individual lifestyles to make it work. I really do appreciate influencers and gurus giving their take on how they would live this lifestyle and I am seeing more tips and simple swaps one can do to reduce waste within their lifestyle and what works for them. I like looking on Pinterest and Instagram for inspiration (if you want to see my low-impact Pinterest board click here!)

Everyone Is At Different Stages

I also like to remember that some people are just on different levels when it comes to sustainability and low impact living. Some people can have it down to a science and some people may need a little more guidance. The important thing is to not bombard people with too much information and resources all at once. I am defiantly guilty of this and I feel like I have become a little less intense when I talk about it.

Cheer On People for Trying

To conclude this post I would like to end with a quote from ZeroWasteChef on Instagram that says "We may never reach the zero in "zero waste" but that's no reason to take zero action".

The important this is to just be supportive and understanding when people are trying to live another lifestyle completely different from what they are used to and from your own. Everyone's journey is unique and should be celebrated. The goal of this movement is to come together as citizens of this beautiful planet and stop mass pollution.

Thank you so much for sticking around to the very end of this post. I hope it has inspired you and many others to do research on ways to reduce waste and come up with a plan unique to you! See you next time!

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